Tsukazaki Laboratory

Tsukasa Terada

Research interests

Nanotechnology, thermoelectric materials

Curriculum Vitae

2013. 3 Senyo high school in Osaka 

2017. 3 B. Eng., School of Engineering Science, Osaka University

2019. 3 M. Eng., Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University

2022. 3 Ph. D., Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University

2022.4-present Assistant Professor, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University

Selected Publications

11. Seed-assisted epitaxy of intermetallic compounds with interface-determined orientation: Incommensurate Nowotny chimney-ladder FeGeg epitaxial film

T. Terada, R. Kitaura, S. Ishigaki, T. Ishibe, N. Naruse, Y. Mera, R. Asahi, and Y. Nakamura

Acta Materialia 236,  118130 (2022).

10. Giant enhancement of Seebeck coefficient by deformation of silicene buckled structure in calcium-intercalated layered silicene film

T. Terada, Y. Uematsu, T. Ishibe, N. Naruse, K. Sato, T. Nguyen, E. Kobayashi, H. Nakano, and Y. Nakamura

Advanced Materials Interfaces 9, 2101752 (2022).


9. Thermoelectric power factor enhancement of calcium-intercalated layered silicene by introducing metastable phase

T. Terada, T. Ishibe, T. Katayama, K. Sato, T. Nguyen, H. Nakano, and Y. Nakamura

Applied Physics Express 14, 115505 (2021).


8. Low thermal conductivity of complex thermoelectric barium silicide film epitaxially grown on Si

T. Ishibe, J. Chikada, T. Terada, Y. Komatsubara, R. Kitaura, S. Yachi, Y. Yamashita, T. Sato, T. Suemasu, and Y. Nakamura

Applied Physics Letters 119, 141603 (2021).


7. Phonon transport in nano-system of Si and SiGe films with Ge nanodots and approach to ultralow thermal conductivity

T. Taniguchi, T. Terada, Y. Komatsubara, T. Ishibe, K. Konoike, A. Sanada, N. Naruse, Y. Mera, and Y. Nakamura

Nanoscale 13, 4971-4977 (2021).


6. Low thermal conductivity in single crystalline epitaxial germanane films

Y. Uematsu, T. Terada, K. Sato, T. Ishibe, and Y. Nakamura

Applied Physics Express 13, 055503 (2020).


5. Resistive switching memory performance in oxide hetero-nanocrystals with well-controlled interfaces

T. Ishibe, Y. Maeda, T. Terada, N. Naruse, Y. Mera, E. Kobayashi, and Y. Nakamura

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 21, 195-204 (2020).


4. Modulation of lattice constants by changing the composition and strain in incommensurate Nowotny chimney-ladder phase FeGeg epitaxially grown on Si

T. Terada, T. Ishibe, and Y. Nakamura

Surface Science 690, 121470 (2019).


3. Areal density control of ZnO nanowires in physical vapor transport using Ge nanocrystals

T. Ishibe, T. Taniguchi, T. Terada, A. Tomeda, K. Watanabe, and Y. Nakamura

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57, 08NB07-1-5 (2018).


2. Growth of epitaxial FeGeg nanocrystals with incommensurate Nowtny chimney-ladder phase on Si substrate

T. Terada, T. Ishibe, K. Watanabe, and Y. Nakamura

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57, 08NB01-1-4 (2018).


1. Resistive switching characteristics of isolated core-shell iron oxide / germanium nanocrystals epitaxially grown on Si substrates

H. Matsui, T. Ishibe, T. Terada, S. Sakane, K. Watanabe, S. Takeuchi, A. Sakai, S. Kimura, and Y. Nakamura

 Applied Physics Letters 112, 031601-1~5 (2018).


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